Help needed with RAM purchase

26 Jul 2009

I have an ageing, but still pretty quick i5 6600k + Z170 Pro Gaming setup. My existing RAM is: 16GB HyperX FURY DDR4 2666MHz (2 x 8GB Kit)

I’d like to upgrade to 32gb but I’m not sure what the best option is:

1) should I retain the old memory and buy another 2x 8gb sticks? If so could anyone provide some recommendations?

2) should I get 32gb of new RAM and get rid of the HyperX? If so I’d be grateful for recommendations that are compatible with my mobo.

edit: budget isn’t much of a concern but I don’t want to spend a fortune, particularly as the rest of my system might be a bottleneck.

Many thanks
If you game, buy new set up.
New Ram wont do that.
The difference today with recent cpu generations is a landslide better vs that old 6600k

Sisters kid bought 32gb for his new mboard auros elite.
I checked online to see what difference 16gb vs 32gb does and basically its a wash.
So I bought 2x8gb 3600mhz crucial ballistix ram due to my ryzen upgrade path I am doing.
New mboard and new cpu ryzen 4 later this autumn.
I still sit at a recent cpu the 3600 but the ipc lift each generation with Ryzen is 15% so, no way I am sitting with even one generation old cpu.

The main gaming difference will be with your cpu, then gpu and then ram/ssd.
I advice to make a new set up vs ram first.
Thanks for the reply.

I'm not really up for replacing the entire system at the moment. [snob] I'm in the fortunate position where money isn't really a concern, but buying more and more crap and ending up with abandoned electrical components is a concern. [/snob]

This 4 year old PC still performs pretty well (the RTX 2060 helps a bit probably), but I had believed an extra 16gb RAM might help to eliminate some stutters in certain titles (Tarkov mainly at the moment), but I'm probably wrong in this?

Thanks for the reply.

I'm not really up for replacing the entire system at the moment. [snob] I'm in the fortunate position where money isn't really a concern, but buying more and more crap and ending up with abandoned electrical components is a concern. [/snob]

This 4 year old PC still performs pretty well (the RTX 2060 helps a bit probably), but I had believed an extra 16gb RAM might help to eliminate some stutters in certain titles (Tarkov mainly at the moment), but I'm probably wrong in this?


Stutter can be a few things,
cpu limitation
HD vs ssd
Ram requirement.
gpu ram limit

so run test programs when you game to see what limits you.

I suspect the 6600k is the main limitation tho.
4 years is a long time for a cpu.
AMD released 3 soon the fourth cpu in 3 years with 15% ipc lift in each gen.
Its usually a cpu limitation as the gpu have to wait for the cpu.
ssd is sometimes lacking which can cause stutter and loading times.

anyhow, GN did some testing
I'll probably end up buying a new system now. THANKS!

Seriously though that was a helpful video and thanks for your help.
I'll probably end up buying a new system now. THANKS!

Seriously though that was a helpful video and thanks for your help.

Your welcome.

Sis kid wanted to upgrade recently and I had to stop him as what he thought was a good idea wasn't.
I said, in a few months there be new gpu/cpu on the markets.
He bought new mboard and ram 32gb a week ago and await the new cpu and gpus now.
I am also upgrading albeit I still await the new cpu and gpu releases.

Good luck with the new
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