Help Needed

26 Sep 2009
Good evening all,

I've not been able to really play a game for quite some time. I can start a game and then I end up just leaving it or being stuck with restartitus and not playing anything. I think the only games I've actually completed in the last few years have been the first two Tomb Raider remakes and Bioshock Infinite.

I have some time off work and I'd like to commit to something. Any inspiration would be appreciated. I'm looking for an RPG with a fantastic story. Something I can get fully immersed in.

Wouldn't try kingdom come with your motivation. The OP description is how i felt with the game - that and skyrim. You need a game you can just pick up and play
How much time are we talking?
If loads then Mass Effect Trilogy (seriously good)
or Witcher 3 (imho just as good)

other Pick up and Play...
XCOM2 with all DLCs
Thronebreaker - Witcher tales
Bomber Crew + DLCs
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