HELP : New (faster) Ram, Now Won't Cpu Won't Reach Same Overclock?

4 Aug 2005
ok guys i recently had some 2x512mb pc5300 geil value running 800mhz up from the stock 667mhz giving my cpu a clock speed of 3.2ghz this was nice and stable and had no problems!

i received my new ram this morning - Geil Pc6400 2x1gb Ultra Low Stuff, popped them in and thought well 800mhz is stock for these sticks so i tried booting to no avail :S, i dropped my cpu fsb back to 375mhz again i just get a blue screen!

so my question why the hell won't these sticks run at the stock speeds with the cpu overclocked when my others will run overclocked? but they will run 800mhz with the cpu at stock speed? :confused:
ok a little update for you, i manually set my cpu to stock speeds and ram to standard 4-4-4-12 timings all on stock volts and ran orthos and failed and rebooted within 5 seconds! stuck everything to it's Auto defaults and cpu-z is running my ram at 5-5-5-18 timings? what the hell is that about?
hmm i thought this but i only received it yesterday, i'l have to give it a good memtest and see what it comes up with! will be mightely annoyed if the ram is borked on arrival!
urm the thing is if everything is at auto then it sets spd timings to 5-5-5-18 but these are the clocks for this ram! it's not the value stuff it's the ultra low latency that's got timings of 4-4-4-12 so why is it defaulting to slower timings? it even says it's cas4 on the modules!
hmm okies, i'm doing a reformatt with my new raptor tonight anyways and all afternoon my comp has been sat with no power and clearing cmos so should well an truly have cleared it :p, will do a install then try clocking up again setting timings to 4-4-4-12 innitially and see how high it will go, i'l be disapointed if they won't do 3ghz! as my pc5300 overclocks like a beast :p
romper76 said:
hi i got the same ram as you today Geil Pc6400 2x1gb Ultra and im having the same problems as you on my set up i can only get my machine to boot up @ 350fsb with 4-4-4-12 timeings 2.1 volt. if i turn on auto spd in bios they will run @400 fsb , in fact they wont even boot my pc up with anything more than 350 even with 6-6-6-18 @2.3.

e6600 9x400 3600mhz
asus pw5 dh
Geil Pc6400 2x1gb Ultra

just out of interest did you clear cmos? or run memtest?
i think it's to do with the spd timings that once it hits a certain fsb the board tries to default the ram to something like 5-5-5-18 for some bizzare reason!
i haven't but i will thanyou for the link :), as the post is 84 pages long are there any specific parts i need to pay attention to? or that relate to my problems?
well i did a cmos clear of about 9hours and re-installed windows as i received my new raptor so will do some testing tonight and see where it gets me! i'l be annoyed that i can't hit 3.2 on stock volts again, with 4-4-4-12 timings!
ok folks went into bios set 4-4-4-12 timings with this ram and set it to ddr800 so i.e stock and failed memtest with 34 errors at 61%! guess these are going back! :mad:
g00dsh0t said:
hi m8, i have the same mobo and ram as you but with 6600.i set timings to 4 4 4 12 and 2.3v and set them to 533 in bios then when i put the fsb up to 400 the ram will be at 800, have you tried that way? by the way ive ran them at 1000 with same volts (2.3)but with 5 5 5 15, the only blue screens i get are nv4_disd.dll :D

urm not sure if you read my above post, i've run memtest and i get 34errors running the ram at 4-4-4-12 2.1v ddr800 with a stock cpu! so it's definately the ram that's borked
g00dsh0t said:
my bad, just trying to help
wasn't having a dig at you fella, sorry if it came across that way just annoying me this ram thing now! brand new ram shouldn't arrive DOA :mad: , on the plus side i'l get a refund and pick up some cellshock stuff :D
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