Help! - No signal with new mobo & graphics (crap title edited)

21 Jan 2006
Ok, I need help, I'm stumped...'s the problem.

I had a PSU blow a coupla months ago (TAGEN 570w), so I went and bought a sparkle 700w as a replacement, plugged it all in, powered it up...

...No VGA detected on the mobo (DFI LanParty Ultra-D)

...damn, i thinks, "blown up my 7800 GTX card". So I plug in an identical working one from my second machine - still no VGA Detected.

...damn, i thinks, "blown the mobo", So I buy a replacement, and as I'm thinking of going SLI, I buy a DFI Lanparty Expert board...

...Plug it all together, STILL no VGA detected - I've tried 3 different graphics cards - no joy.
power lights on mobo, debug lights on mobo are two amber, two red (VGA not detected).

The CPU <em>did</em> work prior to the PSU blowup, but I don't have suitable another machine to test it in, however if I try to run the system with no CPU it doesn't even get past 4 red lights (No CPU detected...)

fans all spin up, even the VGA card fan...

(sorry bout the crap title!)
Make sure the GFX card is pushed in ALL the way. I've known more than one that person think the GFX is installed and sitting in the slot as far as it will go but upon closer inspection it's not. (by slot I mean on the motherboard)
& don't do what my daughter did when resetting her PC at uni & couldn't get nowt onscrean, she'd connected to the onboard graphics( disabled in bios) instead of the GPU & I had to drive down to discover a simple fix lol
Usher said:
& don't do what my daughter did when resetting her PC at uni & couldn't get nowt onscrean, she'd connected to the onboard graphics( disabled in bios) instead of the GPU & I had to drive down to discover a simple fix lol

Ohhhh thats awful, where you more cross with yourself or her?

how far did you have to drive?
FrankJH said:
Ohhhh thats awful, where you more cross with yourself or her?

how far did you have to drive?

luckily not too far & as usual she had forgotten some other items so we would have gone down anyway & I couldn't get cross really as its an easy mistake & particularly as the mobo had the socket labeled ' monitor '
Usher said:
luckily not too far & as usual she had forgotten some other items so we would have gone down anyway & I couldn't get cross really as its an easy mistake & particularly as the mobo had the socket labeled ' monitor '

thats good to hear - what a kind father you are!!!

I never touch a non server board with onboard graphics - mind you saying that in tiny cases for limited apps it can be useful (ie non gaming shutttles etc)
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