I'm looking for a TFT monitor to replace a deceased 17" Iiyama CRT screen for home use. I don't really want to spend more than £200 and would like 17" or 19" but will likely opt for 17" as I would expect to get a better quality device for the money.
My requirements are:
Office use: Browsing Internet, wordprocessing, spreadsheets, email etc.
Multimedia: Single person watching TV or DVD either full screen or in window while sitting where they would normally use the computer.
Photo use: Photoshop Elements - cropping images, adjusting levels and printing. I do little or no colour correction. Viewing digital photos.
No 3D gaming.
From what I've read, some monitors are more tolerant of not being used in their native resolution. My Wife uses it for "office" stuff as above and struggled with 1280x1024 on a 17" TFT we borrowed so she will likely use 1024 x 768.
I've spent hours trawling through this excellent forum looking for recommendations but most of the recent posts seem to refer to monitors for gaming and the the only recommendations I have found along the lines we reuire are quite old and refer to monitors that don't seem to be on sale on the OC site anymore.
Thanks for taking the time to read through my requirements, any help or recommendations will be appreciated.
Cheers - Andy
I'm looking for a TFT monitor to replace a deceased 17" Iiyama CRT screen for home use. I don't really want to spend more than £200 and would like 17" or 19" but will likely opt for 17" as I would expect to get a better quality device for the money.
My requirements are:
Office use: Browsing Internet, wordprocessing, spreadsheets, email etc.
Multimedia: Single person watching TV or DVD either full screen or in window while sitting where they would normally use the computer.
Photo use: Photoshop Elements - cropping images, adjusting levels and printing. I do little or no colour correction. Viewing digital photos.
No 3D gaming.
From what I've read, some monitors are more tolerant of not being used in their native resolution. My Wife uses it for "office" stuff as above and struggled with 1280x1024 on a 17" TFT we borrowed so she will likely use 1024 x 768.
I've spent hours trawling through this excellent forum looking for recommendations but most of the recent posts seem to refer to monitors for gaming and the the only recommendations I have found along the lines we reuire are quite old and refer to monitors that don't seem to be on sale on the OC site anymore.
Thanks for taking the time to read through my requirements, any help or recommendations will be appreciated.
Cheers - Andy