HELP! Not able to access mail server behind Cisco 1721

7 Mar 2006
Hi people.

I really hope somone can help me, im tearing my hair out here!

Ive got an exchange server 2003 mailserver running behind a Cisco 1721 router, and for the life of me I cant access the mailserver from outside.

Ive implemented the following commands with no success....

ip nat inside source static tcp 25 interface Dialer0 25

access-list 101 permit tcp any host eq smtp

access-list 102 permit tcp any any eq smtp

And it wont budge. I dont know a huge amount about the cisco's and this is for the small company I work for, and I feel a bit thick not being able to do this!!

When telnetting the mailserver from inside, it works perfectly, so I know the SMTP service is running ok.

Can anyone please help?
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