Help Oblivion Black Screen!!!!!!

12 Mar 2005
Oblivion Black Screen Problem Solved I think!!!!!!

Got Oblivion yesterday, plays fine looks ace etc. However at irregular intervals the screen goes black, health bar, majicka bar etc are all still visible. As are all the inventory menus and journals. Just the actual players eye view is all black. Game is not frozen or anything. Anyone else got this problem or sorted it???????
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I've been having this problem as well. It seems to affect Nvidia cards using HDR. Haven't turned it off myself but try it to see if it works.
disabling hdr solved it

enabling it now out of sewers, hopefully just a bug in early level and not throughout the game for me
yep disabled HDR, put bloom lighting on and AA to 4x, still looks ace and hasn't blacked out on me yet. Hopefully patch for this soon.
I got this once in 22 hours of play with a nVidia card and HDR enabled.

Perhaps it is driver related, I have the 84.21's installed and not the latest, maybe this problem happens more often with later (BETA) drivers?
I am also running 84.21's on a 7800GTX, my screen goes black after 10 min of playing Oblivion :mad:
G-card temps are around 70

Guess I will have to swap to bloom and AA
If you want to continue with HDR open a blank notepad file before you play. If it goes black in the game press ` and alt+tab to the notepad. Wait a sec and go back to the game press ` again and it should be back to normal. If I play for a few hours I usually have to do this a few times but it saves having to quit and restart the game every time.
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