Help on a first bike

3 Jan 2009
Hey guys, after many tears about how much my car insurance is looking to be this year I have decided that a bike is going to be a good option. I've wanted a bike for years but haven't had the money to be able to buy one.

So I'm looking for my first 125cc bike and have about £1500 to spend on it. I do like the look of sports bikes but I have quite a bad back so I'm feeling a 'cruiser' style might be a better option? I was looking at a Yamaha XVS125 and love the looks of it but thought it'd be best to ask you guys for a better opinion :cool:
Cheers for the help guys, I think I'm just gonna have a look around when I'm back from Uni and try out as many as I can, I'm 6ft2 so I have a feeling that might limit me on some bikes. Hopefully gonna have one before the summer leaves again!
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