Help Overclocking the x2 3800+

10 Apr 2006
Hi there guys, i have recently decided on getting the athlon 64 x2 3800+ and i've never overclocked before and so i need some expert advice......i have a rough idea about reducing multiplier and chaging fsb's but im not too sure......

im going to get the freezer 64, as i will be getting the OEM version of the x2 3800 (or should i get the retail....)i will be pairing it with a gigabyte k8n sli pro, 2x512 corsair (or 2x1gb OcUK - depends what my budget will allow!) and a 7600 GT.

So this bears the question, where do i start and if so should i even bother, what with me being a noob at overclocking and all...... :D
Thanks, but do i really need to overclock my memory as well, because i've never done that before and i dont wanna screw around with stuff i don't know about.......
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