Help. PC -> TV No Sound. Nvidia driver issue?

1 Mar 2008
Just tried to hook my PC up to my TV the same way as I have done with my last TV but now find that no audio is being transferred.

I have the PC connected by DVI to HDMI and a redwhite rca connection for audio.

This worked with my last setup but not this one.

My PC is connected to HDMI2 as is the audio connection but thus, no sound.


I read this which seems to suggest I need to fiddle with my 8800gt drivers:

Strange one

Not sure if tv or pc or both are at fault

At first the pc recognised the headphone jack plugged into pc and muted my set of 5.1 speakers.

Still nothing

Restarted and still nothing

Tried in the green audio out port on back of pc where my 5.1 setup is, nothing

After some fiddling around with Realtek audio manager it worked.

What I did was set it up so it recognised the front and back as different outputs, but even then had to reboot and still had problems

Certain games or programmes once made full screen cut off the sound so had to reboot.

with Zsnes it worked full screen but had to select windows

With Snes9x and Kega Fusion it worked windowed but not full screen.

Anyway reinstalled Windows a few days ago due to not activating some software on time and wouldnt let me activate now.

This made me back to square one as I have no sound through tv though I have tried changing the realtek audio manager settings.

As before its recongising the jack being plugged in but no sound even when rebooting

The cable im using is a headphone jack to red and white rca which is plugged into HDMI2 on tv as the input has a HDMI2 audio in with the workds dvi/pc/hdmi2 audio in.

So whats the problem?!!

Its ok I sorted it after a google search

Turns out the Nvidia drivers are to blame

When a DVI to hdmi cable is connected to tv the drivers tell the tv that sound is being transferred through that and to disable it through the phono input

You have to uninstall the drivers and add a line to the inf file then reinstall then it works fine.
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