Help picking a home cinema system

31 Mar 2008
Sorry if this has been asked a million times but there are a few things I need clarifying. Firstly I am looking to buy a 5.1 surround system but im not sure what I am supposed to be looking for. For example what is all this optical stuff :confused:.

I have also seen some wireless speakers, would anyone recommend these?

Currently I have a HD TV with sky HD and ps3 hooked up to it. Im looking to spend up to £500, but if theres a system which is a must buy that price can be upped a bit :D Any ideas?

COme and post in the Home cinema and hi-fi section you will get many mpore responses in there. This section is more for soundcards and pc speakers.

With 500+ you can get an av amplifier and a 5.1 package, but the more you spend the better of course :D
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