Help please...DivX DVD player having problems with sound

21 Jul 2005
South Shields
Recently I have noticed that when ever I play shopbought/rental DVDs on my DivX DVD player there is a lag with the sound and I have to keep pausing the disc to allow the sound to catch up with the pictures. I don't seem to have this problem when playing avi files that i have burnt onto discs myself.

Is there somewway to update the Divx software or something or is it broken?

The player is only a cheapo make - Chilli
Is this just sound through the TV or a surround sound system. I Used to have a problem where this sometimes happened and could get an echo as the tv and surround sound's sound went out of sync so i had to mute the tv.

Like you, if i paused it or rewind for a split 2nd it'll be back to normal. I think what triggers it, is that split second pause between dvd layers and or pausing it for something.

I blame the cheap player. As for an upgrade, no-one can answer that without a make/model.

Incidently, I had this problem on most players but not once with me ps3 on dvd's, blu-rays or avi's etc.
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