Help please dreamweaver novice

18 Mar 2004
Hello before I start let me say that im trying to learn using css and html the correct way i.e. no tables.

Could someone tell me how I would put spaces between the 3 div boxes so they are horizontal and not vertical please.

how would i create a css style for this please!

Please dont flame me, im trying to learn the right way :)

div#left {
float: left;
width: 200px;

div#middle {
margin-left: 200px;
margin-right: 200px;

div#right {
float: right;
width: 200px;


<div id="left">Left Stuff</div>
<div id="right">Right Stuff</div>
<div id="middle">Middle Stuff</div>
I know your pain, I've spent the last week basically re-learning HTML since I was a table user and haven't really made any sites since 2002.
Mirage said:
I know your pain, I've spent the last week basically re-learning HTML since I was a table user and haven't really made any sites since 2002.

What exactly is the problem with using tables? I too have been away from the web dev scene for a while and have just noticed tables are frowned upon, why?
Cool, thanks for the links! some interesting articles there.

I now understand the benefits of css over coding on each page.
Im in the process of doing some php coding and it just seemed easier to display the data in cells of a table but I can understand the benefits of using other techniques. I may be needing some getting my format the way I want it so keep your ears open guys :p
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