Help please

23 Apr 2006
My brother built a new PC and now, when he turns it on the fans spin up and then it just goes off! It takes 3 attempts and then the PC stays on fine. This happens evertime he turns his pc on! Here is his spec:

AMD 4000 (Single) CPU, Asus A8NE-Sli Premium, 160gb Seagate IDE, 16x DVD, 2gig Memory (2 x 1 sticks) 500w Seasonic PSU. All brand new. Any help would be great. Ta.
Have you re-checked that you have all your power cables connected up properly to each component and also check that each component is secured properly in place.
I wonder.

See post.
He does say "Asus A8 series boards"

Also look at this thread on how the seasonic displays a similar error on DFI boards (yes I know yours is ASUS)

Stuff like..."The first boot attempt consistently fails".
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