Help Please

6 May 2010
Nottingham, UK
Hi Guys,

Kinda :o to admit this but I know about PC's and Hardware but not much about
the overclocking side of things.

I have had a look through the beginners post for overclocking and kinda understood
it but I have looked in my BIOS and just don't really get it to be honest.

My specs are in my sig.

Could someone help me with some settings to change in the BIOS to get a nice
overclock on the system, I have an Akasa Venom Voodoo CPU cooler as well
so it should take some good overclock and not be to hot.

Although when i just been in the BIOS it says my CPU was at 39degree's
but the system has been on most of the day so thats probably why.

Any help would be appreshiated guys.
Ok so I have overclocked my CPU to 4Ghz not run the burn test yet but going to be that
in a minute, I have just booted up CPUID though and it says that the Core Speed is 4000.01Mhz
I thought that was only the case when under load as speed step is enabled???

Just wanted to check really as everything i have seen says that it would show lower because
you will only get the 4Ghz when you need it not all the time.

EDIT: I have even just been into the BIOS and restored all the defaults on the BIOS so it
was back to standard again and yet CPU-Z still says that its running at 3.7Ghz its like
its stuck in turbo mode all the time?

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SpeedStep is definitely active in the BIOS I have checked.

Do you think it could have something to do with the profile set as you can have
Power Saving, Normal or Performance.
I have figured it out,

I had the X.M.P. profile active.

So now the question is this.

If i set the Profile to manual and change the multiplier to 40 so that it will get 4Ghz will
it stay at 4Ghz all the time or just when i need it?

Thanks for the help guys.

BTW, Saturday night a tiny bit drunk lol so taking me a while lol
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