help please

15 Jul 2013
Hi was using my computer as normal doing muon1 and rc5 72 all temps where in the normal range CPU (amd 6100 @ 3.9ghz) running at 50 degrees and my you ( xfx 7870 Tahiti @stock) normal temp of 89 degrees ( I know this is hot but contacted xfx and said under heavy load like bitmining normal temps can be from 70 to 95 degrees)

To cut a long story long my pc just stopped no bsod no artifacting just stright off and will not turn on again. Being a petrified that it my be my psu while it does feel a little hot but I am not sure why it has happened now seen as I have been doing the same thing for well over a month now with nothing bad happening. (psu g7 880w )

Any advice would be great
Tried it all and it just does not power up at all

Luckily I did get it from maplin's and if it is faulty and has caused any damage to my computer there policy is to fix it thought in there words it does take forever
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