Help - Random shutdowns

5 Aug 2003
Hi guys,
got a problem, Computer worked fine for approx 2 months then it started to shutdown a random times, could be playing bf2, surfing the net, just sitting there doing nothing or even just after post when windows is loading. It will just switch itself off, no bsod or nothing. Reinstalled windows 2 weeks ago and all was well till this morning and its started to do it again. Once when it was loading windows and once when it was in windows but doing nothing.

Specs are

4400+ on a DfI lanparty mobo with 2 gig corsair ram.
Temps are low 30's idle and mid - high 40's under load.
I have noticed that in sisoft sandra 1 core seems to get 1.35 volts but the other only gets 1.15volts, even under load.
update, cpuz shows both cores at 1.34v
Any ideas guys.


Babyface UK
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I had the same issue playing HL2. Turned out my power supply was a cheap and nasty 'free with the case' job. It couldnt supply stable amount of Amps. I got a Seasonic S12 in the end and its solved the issue.

But be careful though, do you ACTUALLY mean your PC has random 'shut downs' or do does it just INSTANTLY loose power? theres a big difference in terms of cause.

some argue that the MOST important component in a PC is the power supply. I never realised this until i got the problems i did.
mine used to do this (instant power lose) when it was clocked to 2.9ghz and has done it once since being at 2.84ghz.

my psu is a ultra x connect 500W, now i was under the impression that these were good psu's, was i wrong ???
i had a similar problem once before on a PC with a fine PSU.

someone told me it could be a damaged part in the system, when i upgraded i notised lots of capacitors around the CPU had burst open with yellow stuff on top.

so you could check all your components look ok before ordering a new PSU

also check your CPU fan is fine
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