help reboot problems

30 Nov 2005
hi I have just put together some new bits

asus kn8-e and x1800Xt into rig in sig. every thing was fine, but i reformatted and now when i reset/reboot it sometimes wont boot but after checking ram / drives the next screen it just hangs.

I have removed a damaged DVDrw drive and replaced ide cable but still getting this problem. Any ideas what to check next. i have no optical drive at the moment. just 1 sata + 1 ide .
it boots like 1 in 6 times, have to keep hitting reset swictch untill it boots.
what the hell is it , had me stumped all weekend.

both my drives are set to master.? 1 ide 1 sata booting from sata drive Xp pro

600w psu
Just a shot in the dark but maybe try re-setting the bios by removing the battery from the MB for 1/2 hour or using the jumper for reset, maybe the bios got corrupted somehow?

good luck
it boots sometimes not got drive reinstall or anything at mo,how do i remove battery is it easy?

i have rest cmos before
right i had disabled the floopy drive in bios as i dont own one, I have re-enabled the floppy and it has booted 6 times in a row now. I know it doesn't make sense but it appears to can cured it. Time will tell.
Well it looks good then :)
The battery is located on the MB it is usually a small round silver battery or read your MB manual and it will tell you which jumpers to move to reset the MB to default. But as you say maybe it's sorted :)
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