Help required seized joint

18 Oct 2002
How would you free this joint up ?

I have 2 like this and they both need freeing up to allow free movement
at the moment i have managed to get it moving (as a pose to jammed almost solid like it was before) using copious amounts of WD40 It has done very little tbh and it's still really stiff



I would suggest getting an oxy accetalene bottle and sing them to heat it up and that should free it off for you
Or some sort of blow torch may do the trick
Cant really make out weather there is any plastic in there if there is ignore what i said
there is no plastic just painted steel and bare aluminium

what do you mean by "an oxy accetalene bottle and sing them"
get the oxy and het the join moving it constantly, think thats what he ment, dont turn it up to hight tho, else u will but thru alu easy
No3ntry said:
there is no plastic just painted steel and bare aluminium

what do you mean by "an oxy accetalene bottle and sing them"
Ha ha for the life of me dont know why i put that
should have been oxyaccetalene bottles and use them
Its what you use for cutting through metal and a way of welding or braising as its called
A plumbers blow torch should do the same job from the likes of B&Q
My brother is a plumber so i borrowed his blow torch

do you not think oxyaccetalene bottles would heat it up just a tad too much ?

the blowtorch i used did the job although it took ages and what i ended up doing was smoothering the joint in lithium grease then melting it with the torch and that freed it up a lot quicker i think it could perhaps do with some more attention tomorrow night just to finish it off
Nah just hold them further away
It depends how you set the flame up really
Main thing is too heat it up and get rid of the crap in there
didnt realise that the spray grease said extremely flammable on the tin till after i set fire to it :eek:

all is well now though i have freed it up best i can now and jet washed it and lubed it all up again

thanks for the help :D
now i have a different problem

both of the joints you see in the picture (plus a couple of others) are causing me problems (or at least i think its downto them)

the seat now rocks backwards when i push back on it
the seat i have just taken out did this (which is one of the reasons i wanted to change to the subframe you can see in these pictures) and after wobbling the old subframe about a bit it seems that these hinges/joints are ever so slightly loose

so the question i put to you IS

how does one go about tightening one of these kinds of hinges for the record i think the hinge that was seized is actually ok but until i take it off the car i wont know, i didnt have time tonight so have left it

i dont want to have to live with it because when you accelerate hard it throws the seat back
how likely is it that this would actually do anything ?

having said that and thought about it i cant really see any other way of doing it and guessing here i would imagine heating it up would help the process ?
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