Help setting up port forwarding on virgin hub 5

23 Jan 2005
Hi I set up wireguard on my unraid and I have to change this
Remark: configure your router with port forwarding of port *****/UDP to*****
You don't need to star out the port or your local IP, it's useless to anyone. My Hub 5 is in modem mode so I can't give you a screenshot walk-through. It should be very straightforward and self-explanatory though? Go to the port forwarding section, add a new rule, forward port 51820/udp (or whatever you chose for WireGuard) to the local IP of the machine running WireGuard, on the same port. For example port 51820/udp > port 51820/udp. Don't forget to save/apply.
From memory the sh5 will show a from port and a to port (internal and externl). Just enter 51820 in all 4 boxes and enter the internal ip of your unraid server.

I assume you have used a docker and using the br0 network in docker so it’s on the same subnet as your main home network?
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