Help streaming a funeral

18 Oct 2002
Riding my bike
A close family friend has recently died.

Some relatives live too far too travel so I've been asked to stream it.

Connectivity is good 4G. I've got a decent mobile phone and a laptop I could hotspot. Although a hotspot would be another point of failure.

I'm guessing audio will be a bit rubbish from the phone so could buy a Bluetooth microphone if that would help.

My YouTube account is apparently "not eligible to stream" cos, YouTube reasons.

Any advice would be really useful especially on the:

Platform to use
Any useful hardware

Lots of thanks.....
Exactly, it's not the queen's funeral.

There are some older relatives in Australia and New Zealand who simply can't make it.

My plan is to simply steam the vicar, the music, maybe the burial. No mourners, no tears, no close-ups!
For those with misgivings - I've been asked by the husband of the deceased to do it. My feelings would be to record it and edit it with sensitivity before doing anything else.

But he's asked me to 'just take care of it'. The guy has just so much on his plate at the moment with two young daughters, I just feel I need to give him "consider it done" as a response, not question the ideas.

Any idea how I can make youtube accept my account channel in order to do it?
Appreciate the help.

Lets try and leave the "should you" out of it. I appreciate that people will have different opinions. But that's a different argument.

Anyway - looking like facebook live is the easiest option. I've set up a page for people to follow and the live stream will simply appear there.

I'm going to pop up to the church and do a test - signal, lighting, sound etc and see what else needs to be done.

Anybody got any suggestions for a bluetooth unidirectional mic that I can use instead of teh phones own mic?
As someone who does a lot of live TV transmitting I would strongly suggest that as much of the gear as possible is hard wired, and avoid Bluetooth if you can.
Yup - the "keep it simple stupid" is a mantra worth repeating.

I'm going to the church later with a tripod to get a feel for the light/acoustics etc.

I'm seeing the husband this evening, so I'll get the undertakers details from him and see if they have a turnkey solution.
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