Help understanding lower latency - a question, should I do this?

26 Sep 2020
If my fps counter bounces around between 110 - 144 frames per second, whilst playing a game

Where 144 is my monitors refresh limit set in game
Where 144 is also the FPS cap I set in game
But where 125 may be my average fps (approximately)

... taking the above into account, would the frames I see be fractionally, marginally more up to date, and my latency fractionally lower, if I reduced my monitors refresh AND the games rendering FPS limit, to 120fps?

I would then be hitting and more often locking to that 120 fps limit.
Instead of my GPU and CPU trying to hit 144fps, and only managing it sometimes.

If I reaching/hit my target, then would the GPU prioritise and feed data in such a way that my latency was reduced?

- Where possible, I turn Nvidia Reflex with boost on. In games where I turn REFLEX on would make my question redundant, would it not? But where reflex is not available, is setting a cap which I more often hit going to give me a slightly lower latency?
Very grateful for enlightening replies, thank you.
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