Help w. Memory Timings

16 Mar 2006
Hi Guys,

Just built a new gaming PC (old one was over 5 years old :eek: ) and I'm a bit confused with all the memory timing options. Last time I messed with timings you could only change the CAS setting and that was it :D

I'm using this memory:
OCZ 2 x 1GB PC3200 Platinum Series EL-DDR CAS2

With an ASUS A8R32-MVP

Now obviously there's 4 timings specced on the box but the BIOS has loads more, what's the best thing to do with these - leave them as they are or try and lower them until I lose stability?

Anyone using the same setup and able to supply some recommended timings?

Thanks in advance :)

Firstly, ensure the memory is stable at your current fsb (eg. some memory states 250Mhz, but isn't actually stable at this frequency). Considering that it's 3200 memory, that means about 200Mhz, so if your cpu is running faster than this, you'll need to slacken the timings, increase voltage and/or change the ram divider.

If your ram is quite happy without changing the timings, then try and tighten them :)

I normally try fiddling with the timings in this order: Trp, Tras, CAS, followed by the rest, but other people may have other ways of doing it. Trp and CAS can have a major impact on performance, but can also make your ram unstable very quickly, so use your bios's built in memory tester first, if it has one, or use a floppy based memory tester if not to avoid screwing up your os install.
Cheers dude, RAM seems happy at the moment but the timings are all set to Auto I think so they're probably pretty slack, I'll try setting the ones that the memory is specced to tonight and see what the stability is like then.
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