Help Wanted.. Any Pros about ?

19 May 2006
ok, i am after some photoshop help.

I have jsut been out to take some photos of my Fiancee, who requires some photos pretty soon, for some work shes doing,

I would appreciate it if anybody on here could really help me on this one, I have uploaded all the photos from today to this link ...

If you go through them and pick out which you think is best pic / most suitable and give me the file number i will send u the original full size image.

Than kyou for all your time reading my post.

Most appreciated


[email protected] - and i will send original email that way

1- what do you want done to the photos, standard touching of colours contrasts, levels etc etc. Alos i can de blemish her skin (not that shes has bad skin but its a pro thing) etc etc

2- what does she want the photos for otherwise i wont know which is best

Photographically speak i think either 14, 36 or 40 are the best.

add me to msn if you like.
ye, sorry i should have done, its jsut a basic gallery, resized the images right down jsut to see what you people thought of what works best etc, and whats worts editing in photoshop etc
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