Help : Weird CD problem

17 Mar 2005
I have the 4 disk WOW set i have tried 2 copies now and both seem to conk , itll be merrlying going away and suddenly itll stop making noise and the yellow flashing light disapears the installer is using 90% cpusage and the memory total keeps changing i dont know why this is and i havent a clue how to fix it. ive left it for hours and it stills does nowt.
Sounds like a driver problem I get those errors when GL driver is not supported by gf card driver or the DX driver needs updating. Tbh maybe some WOW players will know exactly what it is, but updated drivers of some kind required would be my guess.

Check specs for WOW in manual that will give you a clue maybe.
I was thinking more of the driver versions of the Glide driver which was not well supported by ATI cards and that gave me problems in the past. However there is almost always a workaround for commom problems like that :)
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