Help! What does this sound like to you?

15 Aug 2003
I recorded this sound earlier in my car, what do you think it is? I was just trying to start it, yesterday it was fine and started first time with ease as it has done since I bought the car last week.

As you will hear the alarm armed itself during this for some reason. :confused: But obviously I'm more concerned about the car not starting.

Can you tell I'm a complete car noob?

Help!! I Need some info before I ring a garage tomorrow.

Thanks in advance.
Honestly I dont know much about this kinda stuff BUT if that was my car I'd be thinking battery - dont know why?! Possibly the alarm having a sensor detecting low power and a possible disconnect hence it going off?
I thought battery too, my alarm & central locking go nuts when i try & start mine and there aint quite enough charge to fire it up.
Sounds good so far, a dead battery is simple to fix (so i've heard lol). Anyone else wanna chip in?
Toyota!? Its definately the battery my friend. Jump it, from another car, but your mrs probably left the interior light on all night!!!
It's my car and its a VW. I'd love to blame the Mrs but unfortunately it's all my fault for no other reason than she hasn't touched the car. She has her own.

Edit: off to bed and I think I may sleep a little easier now.
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Well I had fun and games this morning. I tried starting it again and of course the same thing happened, only this time the alarm would not switch off until i disconnected the battery, bloody noisy!

Anyway, there is a garage across the road from me so i went over and a mechanic brought a jump pack over and we got it started. It seems fine now and starts every time, strange.

Someone told me the battery may be knackered and this might keep happening, so best to get a new one. They aren't expensive, so I might get one, but what do you think??
Batteries are under more strain in the cold, so it might yours is suffering because of that and is on the way out. Charge it up to full and see if it does the same. I ran a battery that was on its last legs like this for another 2 years after but then the engine always started first try and the alternator was good I guess
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