Help with 360mm AIO placement in new case

16 Jan 2013
Hey folks so basically my new H500M shall arrive in a few days and so will my Deepcool castle 360v2 AIO and wondering which of these configurations do u think would be best also to note my GPU will be vertically mounted in a separate bracket not the 2 slots closest to the window any help is greatly appreciated?

Here's option 1 with the Radiator in the roof in a push pull config exhausting air out the roof which would mean id have 7 Exhaust fans and the 2 large 200m intake fans for negative air pressure


Option 2 is installed the radiator in the front of the case with the 3 on inside of the case pulling air back through the 2 200mm fans and they exhausting out the back and top of the case which would be 5 intake fans and 4 exhaust

It's a AIO it doesn't need a push / pull setup. Mount it in the top and leave your bigger fans in the front.
I have 3 other Argb fans plus the 3 that come with the AIO so I may aswell run push pull or should I put the other 3 in the front as extra intakes
Push/pull not needed, but may allow for lower rpm, similar performance.
Large intake fans, unless chocked by bad filters or solid panels right next to it, are usually OK to pull cool air inside the case.
I would try them first before swapping for 3 x 120mm.
Quite expensive case considering it lacks bottom intake, which is essential for any modern GPU.
So it boils down to a choice. Front mounted you're bringing in cool air and then heating it (unless you have the front on Exhaust which would be unusual) so you're feeding your card warm air. Or you have fans on the front and the rad at the top in which case you're pushing already warm air from your card through the rad. It's a balance. I have an O-11D with a vertical mount:
And have the bottom and side as intake, AIO at the top and blowing warm air through the rad as exhaust at the top.
Think im going to do the rad in the roof with 6 fans exhausting the hot air out of the top and 1 exhaust at the back of the case which should exhaust a majority of the gpu heat out then the 2 large intake at front
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