Help with a HTPC build.

10 Feb 2006

I'm looking at building a fairly cheap HTPC because I don't want to keep using my laptop to do it. I've done a bit of research and want to use the Asus E35M1-I DELUXE motherboard due to integrated CPU and gfx, also it's got wifi built in which is a plus. I already own a 2TB Seagate HDD so thinking of buying a 60GB SSD for the OS and for extra silence!

I'm wanting to put it all in a Silverstone Milo ML03B case. Just need a bit of advice whether this will work alright? If it will, what PSU and RAM do you recommend?

The mobo spec is a little confusing, one says it supports single channel DDR3 ram and another states dual channel. I've read a couple of people have had trouble getting a second stick of ram to be recognised so want to make sure I get the correct stuff!

Then finally just need a psu, I'm guessing cheap and silent doesn't really exist? :).

Will just stick a DVD rom in there, not too fussed about blu-ray at the minute.
It should all work fine, my only comment is that when I looked at this case and did a bit of research I realised my optical drive was too long, theres not a lot of room to play with between that and the PSU. Made me buy a Lian Li instead. If thats not a problem then I would say go for it. For PSU I would recommend the 380W Seasonic model, very quiet, reliable and plenty of juice for this. As for RAM I have no experience with that chipset but if its a problem just buy a single 4GB stick, you wont need more than that for a HTPC. Mine runs fine on 2GB and single channel wont limit performance noticably.

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