Help with a server please? I have no idea of its worth?

5 Dec 2011
Hi everyone, been a while since I've been on here and you guys are the go to people for good info...

Now just so you know.. I'm not intending to sell this but want to know if it's worth keeping and maybe some info on it.

Now the server is very large rack server but has no make on it.. Just a sticker that states it's a pre release intel development platform

I've had it apart and it seems there is 4x itanium single core processors... Or what I believe them to be as it says intel confidential so am I right in thinking they are es chips? But on the underside of them it has the cpu number as a qs aswell.

It has 8x1gb ddr ecc registered ram, 3 hard drives which are all un marked and no labels so no idea what they are yet, it's a very bulky machine I can provide some pics if need be, one of the power supplies has blown and it won't fire with one it throws out some beeps at Me... So I can't test this fully...

Now feel free to criticise my knowledge as I will admit freely I don't know a thing about these things... I know my desktops more than something like this

It was given to me buy a friend who was clearing out his garage at the time and me being me thought yea great I'll lift a 40kg server into the car ha what a great idea that was... Now until I find out if it's worth keeping or not it's just sat there gathering dust so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Server hardware info please??

Hi everyone, been a while since I've been on here and you guys are the go to people for good info...

Now just so you know.. I'm not intending to sell this but want to know if it's worth keeping and maybe some info on it.

Now the server is very large rack server but has no make on it.. Just a sticker that states it's a pre release intel development platform

I've had it apart and it seems there is 4x itanium single core processors... Or what I believe them to be as it says intel confidential so am I right in thinking they are es chips? But on the underside of them it has the cpu number as a qs aswell.

It has 8x1gb ddr ecc registered ram, 3 hard drives which are all un marked and no labels so no idea what they are yet, it's a very bulky machine I can provide some pics if need be, one of the power supplies has blown and it won't fire with one it throws out some beeps at Me... So I can't test this fully...

Now feel free to criticise my knowledge as I will admit freely I don't know a thing about these things... I know my desktops more than something like this

It was given to me buy a friend who was clearing out his garage at the time and me being me thought yea great I'll lift a 40kg server into the car ha what a great idea that was... Now until I find out if it's worth keeping or not it's just sat there gathering dust so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Sorry to say this but if it's DDR memory it could be up to 15 years old and therefore VERY slow and pointless. If the PSU was working it might have been worth experimenting but it's certainly not worth getting it fixed and then actually using it.

4 of those CPUs will be drawing up to 500 watts and lets face it they're going to be running at full whack with even the lightest of modern server applications.

Sounds like the PSU beeps is some sort of fail-safe mechanism which doesn't let it cold boot with a single PSU.
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look up the parts on ebay, they are either worth loads or nothing...(probably nothing) .. only worth anything if a lot of people need the spares..
Chances are it's running either Windows NT or DEC VMS. The latter may be of considerable interest to some.
Phones probably rival it for performance these days, especially in certain tasks :p

Treat it as a curiosity, IA64 is fairly dead. Spares may be an option but you're looking at beer money tbh
Thanks guys I'll probably just wedge it on ebay and let it go for whatever it goes for in that case. It's quite a large eye sore so thought I'd see if it was worth keeping or not lol...

I didn't expect it to be worth anything to be honest was more hoping I had something that I could have put to good use...

Never mind... For free even if it buys me a beer that's a result ;-)
I am NO expert on this stuff, but I would guess its slower than the PC in your signature by a huge amount and uses lots of electricity.

Sorry I know that this is not helpful and I am interested to hear what the experts say but could not
Throw it away, it's junk.

Itanium was Intel's attempt at 64-bit that died a death, they eventually abandoned it in favour of AMD's x64 stuff. Itanium isn't supported on any modern OS, 2008R2 was the last server OS to support it (and I don't think desktops ever did).

The RAM will most likely be DDR1 which will be impossible to get hold of, so you can't upgrade that - and 8GB is pretty low for a server these days. Single core is anaemic for a CPU, even if you have 4 of them, and again getting hold of upgraded ones is going to be almost impossible.

And as Jackboy says, it will drink electricity like it's going out of fashion.
Stick the RAM and processors on Ebay as cheap auctions because people do run old servers or collect parts for their personal museums etc.

There's a channel on Ebay (playing with scrap or something like that) where a guy takes apart old IBM/Cray main frames worth up to $10,000,000 except that ain't anymore. Just scrap but being 10's or 100's of kgs of precious metals there was still value.
Itanium is alive and well in HP's enterprise sector.

HPE didn't provide a specific release date for the servers. Itanium servers are on HPE's roadmap until 2025, Kyle said...

But some HPE customers running HP-UX in critical infrastructure will stick to the stable and fault-tolerant Itanium servers, Kyle said.
I think my iPhone is probably faster.


Itanium isn't supported on any modern OS, 2008R2 was the last server OS to support it (and I don't think desktops ever did).

Assumes that "server OS" can only be Windows. Itanium runs UNIX workloads, broadly speaking.
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Assumes that "server OS" can only be Windows. Itanium runs UNIX workloads, broadly speaking.

True, but I can't imagine anyone runs HP-UX at home. Is it even possible to get a free/cheap/"home" version of it?

Solaris is more broadly available but it doesn't support Itanium any more, and AIX is likewise very restricted availability and has never supported it.
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