Help with Adobe Catalyst exporting .swf file for my site.

30 Dec 2003
Hi all, I am a regular user of moonfruit to create basic websites. I have some HTML experience but find moonfruit simple and quick.

I have a basic flash .swf file on my homepage

I have been playing around again with Catalyst and forgot how easy it is to make some very nice flash animation effects ect. I wanted to replace the current .swf file on the home page with a better animated flash file.

My problem now is that Moonfruit has very specific settings that the .swf files needs to be in. When I create a .swf in flash i can choose the settings to make it compatible with moonfruit.

Is there anyway to change Catalyst's export settings or can I hope my Catalyst document in Flash?

Any help would be wonderful.

Thanks in Advance.

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