Help with Amsn, Adium and MSN for Mac

15 Apr 2007
Hey guys, have been using my macbook for a good few months now and not had any problems with it until now. Put it in to sleep mode last night as i usually do, ready for a quick start in the morning when i wake up so i can check my emails before i leave.

Find out that its not connecting to Amsn for some reason or another, so i just leave it and go to work. Come home and have a play and turns out its not connecting to Amsn (says: error connecting to server - connection refused), Adium just doesnt connect and MSN for Mac doesnt think im connected to the internet.... yet im writing this on my macbook :confused:

I havnt changed any of the settings and my router appears to be running fine (pc is still able to connect) Any suggestions?
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