Help with Android box for TV

10 Jul 2010
Recently I bought a X96Q Android box for my TV, purely to play films on and nothing else. It isn't my intention to have this connected to Wi-Fi, unless it's needed for updates or installation of apps.

The box itself comes with "KD Play" installed. From looking around, this looks like an alternative version of Kodi. In order to navigate and play my media, I tried to install Kodi, which gave me some error. I think it's because it's conflecting with KD Play, but I can't be sure.

Would I need to remove KD Play in order to install Kodi? I was under the impression that Kodi was the best Android media player. Otherwise I will just leave KD Play installed.

Also the box is connected to a 1080p TV (until it's replaced with a 4K, when it dies). I've noticed that when playing 4K media, I sometimes see jagged lines - almost as if they are sparkling. Is there anyway to reduce this?
Personally if you don't need the android OS, I'd install CoreElec (either internally overwriting the android OS, or using the Sd Card slot). Make it a pure Kodi machine. I did the same with my H96 Pro until I eventually got a Nvidia Shield for cheap, it never had any issues. You may loose the use of the included remote however your TV remote should pass the commands through CEC. You could alternatively go down the Raspberry pi 4 route instead of dodgy android boxes and put LibreElec on it, maybe another SD card on hand for RetroPie (you can even run Kodi through RetroPie for both on the same SD card)
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Do the coreelec thing. Much better and faster lower resources. As for remote yeah but the codes used are Microsoft IR remote control so import them into programmable so you have android or codes and Microsoft IR codes depending whether use Android or boot into coreelec
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