HELP with Apple stuff please (for newbie)

11 Oct 2005
Hi, can someone help me with the following problem please.

Doing my head in trying to sort this out.

Helping a friend out who has a iphone 4 Mobile phone

Also Has a PC running Win XP. Which has iTunes on and updated.

Trying to get all the photos and videos off of the iphone and onto the computer as she wishes to upgrade to a new iphone 4s which is ready and sealed.

We have got all the photos of BUT there is a couple of LARGE Video files on the iphone which are very important to her. which for some reaosn will NOT copy across to the PC.

Can someone in simple terms tell me how to get a LARGE video file, think it is around 1GB off the iPhone onto the PC so it is saved.

Thank you.

(will not show up in My Computer) or explorer the actual files.

have managed to copy said file onto a win 7 machine, then onto a memory card and then onto the XP PC machine. But it is A) choppy and B) without Audio.

Tried to upload it also by installing Dropbox onto the iPhone but wont upload as around the 1gb mark.
Have you tried just using iTunes to take a backup of the iPhone and then plug in new phone and restore from backup? Always used this method myself and never had any issues?

Not yet. As she wanted to also have a 'copy' on her computer of all the Photos and Videos before starting to use the new phone.

Also the iphone 4 is 32GB and the New iPhone 4s is only 8gb. So needs to get shot of some old photos on it before that can happen.
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