Help with contact form

You're missing message-received.php which is where the browser sends the entered form data and emails it to you.

You're also missing HTTPS. Prepare to have your site show loads of warnings in Chrome due to unsecured user data.
Thanks for pointing that out.

Regards the https...... am I right in saying I need an slow certificate for that?
Thanks for pointing that out.

Regards the https...... am I right in saying I need an slow certificate for that?

You probably want to enable recaptcha otherwise you might get bombarded by spam. It's free and works passively:

Like Hyburnate suggested, a large amount of hosts nowadays offer letsencrypt integration for free SSL certs so start with that.

Use Let's Encrypt or CloudFlare CDN for SSL

With Cloudflare you still want your real host to be using HTTPS too (even a self-signed cert is OK assuming Cloudflare let you whitelist it) otherwise you're going User -> [https] -> Cloudflare -> [http] -> Webhost which whilst fixes any browser warnings still results in non-encrypted data being sent.
You're missing message-received.php which is where the browser sends the entered form data and emails it to you.

I have now got around to adding the missing file but I still don't see where the email details are?
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That's an HTML file, not a PHP file.
message-received.php needs to be PHP and take in the form values and send the email. It then either returns a simple string like "Message Received" or redirects to an html page which displays the same message.

edit: to be clear, there's many other languages this can be done in. When I say it "needs to be done in PHP" I mean, it's not a simple html page you need. That's how it's done on the site you're copying from.

If you don't have FTP (or similar) access to that other site, you won't be able to see the content of the php file.
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I used wget to grab all the files from the site but it didn't grab any php files. I was just wanting a simple webpage to promote some laptop fixing services and the like. Having a butchers around I have found some base bootstrap templates as well like Marshmallow or there is always WP.
PHP files are all server-side code and wont be visible at all to website visitors or crawlers.

There's php examples out there for doing what you want but if you don't know any coding then you'd be better off using a pre-built contact form. All the popular CMS systems and web builders have contact form options or plugins. Bootstrap templates are for front-end html and won't do any backend email sending stuff unless combined with something else.
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