Help with CV (oh noes, another one). Catering related!

13 Aug 2004
Hey all,

I'm going to be doing a catering course next year (well, september) and I want to get some experiance in a kitchen, say in a restaurant. The problem is that I don't know what to put on my CV, I just want some experiance wether it's veg prep or anything like that.

Help is greatly, greatly appreicated!
Unsure if this is stating the obvious or if its a 'bad' thing to put on a CV but could try something along the lines of "I am in the process of of organising experience in the kitchen alongside trained staff.."

Or am i way off what you're asking...
I should have been more clear :o

I've got that part, what i'm unsure about is the type of position I should be asking for inside a kitchen (like a rank). Thanks anyway Jon :)
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