Help with domain transfer

19 Jul 2006
Looking for some advice, I always made websites from scratch ie bought a new domain name and hosting together and build a website.

However I'm doing a site for a charity that already have a website and domain name but this is with a different hosting company which we don't have access to cpanel... Just a guy to email. This hosting and domain run out soon.

I now have the new website that I have on my dev server.
I want to use vidahost for hosting and domain name like I usually do.

Do I sign up for hosting and domain name transfer?
I have no problem getting the site onto the hosting it's just what do I do with the domain name? Can I sign up for hosting and domain together put the content on the host then change the name server? What about the ip tag?

Also is there one email that is used with the domain. I'm happy changing mx records and setting the new settings up in there outlook... However is there a way to make sure there will be no email loss? As I thought it takes 24 hours for mx records to proper gate?

Or am I making this more complicated then it is

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