help with dreamweaver upload problem

28 Sep 2003
hi all, im in deserate need of help !!

i have a website consisting of approx 140 pages, all has been running well for months.
a friend who i work on the website has tried to upload a new index file to the ftp site and it gets half way uploading and stops.
when i try to upload it states
....index.htm has changed on the remote server since your last get or put operation. putting it up may overwrite do you want to continue. so i say yes.

i then get file activity incomplete 1 file or folder were not completed.

we now some how have a blank white page on the net and cant do anything

please help us


cheers cocker92
yep, ive tried that, i can delete the index page on remote server using either dreamweaver or flash fxp, BUT when it comes to uploading the new modified one it firstly states the index page on the remote has been modded (cos ive deleted it) so i say continue then it states 1 file or folder has NOT been loaded

Hi, i manage all myself

this is the error we are getting

Started: 02/07/2006 11:51

index.htm - error occurred
index.htm - error occurred - An FTP error occurred - cannot put index.htm. Access Denied. The file may not exist, or there could be a permission problem.

File activity incomplete. 2 file(s) or folder(s) were not completed.

Files with errors: 2

Finished: 02/07/2006 11:51
sounds like a quota or access rights issue with your webhost. Did your friend use different credentials to access the folder? Can you ssh into the folder and check the permissions and the amount of free space?

I use hosting_unlimited

he made the alterations to index page in dreamweaver and just uploaded it like we have done for the last year and a half.

whe he said he was having problems, i had a go in dreamweaver too and got the same problems.

what do you mean 'ssh into the folder' ????

thanxs to all who replied !!!!!!

ive been into the site and deleted some files and all is well.
i think it was a space issue not allowing me to upload anymore

once again

THANX a lot

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