help with dvd play back

16 Jan 2006
North Wales
i have a aspire 3020 acer laptop. and it has a x700 gfx card in it for some reason my dvds are lagging when playing i have tried to update the driver for gfx card but it dont like the both drivers :( wont install them both comes up with an error .
Have you tried a BIOS update?

Check on the Acer website for details and instructions, update your bios and if you can, update the firmware for your dvd drive.

What error are you getting with the graphics driver?
The_KiD said:
update your bios and if you can, update the firmware for your dvd drive.

Just so he can play DVDs? No I wouldn't recommend that at all, his machine should be able to do that just fine with the existing BIOS and firmware. The problem will lie elsewhere, probably with his graphics driver.
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