Help with ender 5 plus printing problems

9 Mar 2022
I have brought a ebder 5 plus after I had an ender 3 Pro. I was printing fine on it for months no issues what so ever, until a few months ago. No filament was coming out no matter how many times I cleaned the tube, the hot end and the nozzle. In the end I brought a whole new tube and hot end and now it's printing. The problem is when it prints the infill doesn't seem as strong as it did and the print seems to come apart half way through printing. I have tried on smaller parts I.E. stand for my TCG graded cards and they come out fine the problem is when i start printing bigger parts. All the settings are the same on it all. I can send photos if it helps.
26 May 2022
Would be hard to work out but some things I can think of that it could be:

- might be the gear that feeds in the filament is too lose, when it’s printing larger areas and at higher speed like areas that are infill then the problem is showing.
- could be you need to adjust your z offset to be slightly lower
- bed not level at certain corner/s, which might explain it happening on larger parts.
- up the temps 5-10c to see if it helps with stronger adhesion and the weak infill might make filament flow better at higher speeds.
- reduce print speeds see if that helps, your hot end might just not be keeping up.
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