Help with my gear changing

3 Jan 2005
Being a new rider my gear changing sucked, so been working to try and get it smooth. I watched this guy :

And it helped, but recently I have been having an issue changing from 4th to 5th where it jumps out of gear after I have release the clutch and accelerating. Kind of scary for a noobie, having it drop to nothing and screaming

I have 2 theories. I am not clicking it into gear enough, or I am leaving my foot up to much and its dropping back out "clutchless" changing

I have a CBF125

Any ideas or pointer
Well I am using the clutch for all changes.

I'm thinking its me as most times it smooth, just every now and then its almost as if its not full engaged and drops out.

Going to make sure I'm really clicking up with my foot on the way home tonight.
Its more scary than anything else. 125 is not much of a speed freak to start so the sudden lose of power is not nice.

Think I will just try and be as positive as I can as its only got to keep me until the money starts to roll in then I will be doing my DAS and getting a big boy bike
What about the position of the gear lever ? You can undo the bolt then move it round a few teeth on the spline to get a better position.

It does feel high, I have quite "thick" boots and I have to really lift my foot to change gear. Might be a project for the weekend.

The bike is my main commuter so having it run nice is really important to me.
i have only been riding a geared bike for 4 days and i have problems with shifting down i never know when too (obviusly when the rpms get low) but half the time when i change down the rpms go to like 6000 rpm and the back goes up and i think i am going to be catapulted off the bike dont know what i am doing wrong

I am ok going down, I usually come off the power and shift down 1 at a time as the speed drops letting the engine do the breaking. Sounds like you are down shifting to soon.

I usually don't downshift to first if I can help it, unless I am almost coming to a stop. Then I like to give it a few taps to make sure its defiantly in first :)
Well it was a lot better ride this morning didn't slip out of the gear once. Found applying pressure on the lever before changing up helped

But I did notice it would "click" twice before the gear engaged and I was almost having to twist my foot to get the height so will be adjusting it on the weekend. But just having confidence the gear will engage makes the ride so much more enjoyable
Well a little update, gave the bike a once over, everything looks good, and changed the gear lever position down a few notches........................instant improvement.

Gear changing up and down is effortless and now I am not having to concentrate so much on the gears my riding is getting smoother and more confident
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