help with norton ghost, please

16 Jul 2005
I know nothing about data backup and need a little advice, I Just installed norton ghost, I have 2x250gig barracudas set up in raid and would like to create a back up in case windows wont boot again like it did last week. I dont have another drive to do a complete back up, so I thought I could maybe send the backup data to another computer on my network, but when I start the back up i get the message that it wont fit??, I also tried saving a backup to dvd but it took an hour just to get to 5% so I gave up, what I dont understand is when I am making a backup with ghost how is it actually doing it? I thought it would be similar to windows system restore but where you could make a bootable dvd and if your system/windows fails you could run the dvd you made and get windows back with all your drivers and game installs back to how you had it pre problem, much like say an OEM restore disk. Is this possible or am I expecting too much.

Any suggestions?

Norton Ghost works pretty well... infact i am running my backup just now.

My advice is get yourself another harddrive and use it for the backlups.. yes its the extra expense but just think of all the time and effort it could save you.

When your OS does go down all you do is boot from the cd you made when installing ghost and select restore.. wahla computers working again.

The problem with network backups is it can be a pain to get your Nic card to work properly when your not in windows.
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