help with offset mode on gigabyte mobo

14 Apr 2010
there seems to be a lot of info on the net about offset mode on asus boards but not much on gigabyte boards.i've been messing with settings and have decided to run at 4.4 for stability and lower at 4.4,my 2600k seems stable at i have the vcore set at 1.35 and real temp and core temp show my vid at 1.0007v at idle and vid at 1.3811v at load.cpu-z shows vcore at 1.368v at what setting do i need to use on offset? i can't get my head round it at all.thanks
well i've gone up to +0.150 and it still won't boot. when you say find the vid,do you mean the idle of load vid?vcore says it's taking 1.368 at load
from what i've read it seems that most people are using around +0.030 so my +0.150 seems high but it still won't boot on that
thanks so far but i really can't get my head into this.offset mode without any adjustments.???do you mean set offset to 0.0000 then what.set multi to 44 what do i do with vcore?
yes but i don't know how,i had a full head of hair i'm bald
do you get the vid at standard 3.4 or the vid at 4.4
please everyone stop talking japanese to
so do i set the vcore as auto first to see what it's giving? and go on that.on my board,to get the offset to work you have to set vdcore to normal,not the offset is greyed out on anything other than normal.
no what i'm saying is that vcore set to auto does'nt give me the option to adjust an will only open up that option with vcore set to normal
just tried auto vcore with 44 multi and it would not boot until i set my ram at into windows buit as soon as i ran prime it bsod with 101 code
done looks like normal sets it to 1.37 and vcore is showing 1.368 which if i'm right would suggest that setting -0.020 would be spot on? but it won't boot. i can get stable at 4.4 with manual vcore set at 1.36
this is my second chip,the last one needed more volts than this one.load line calculation is the same as asus LLC controlling vdroop.i really want to get this offset working so i can maybe shave a little of my,with 4.4 with volts set manual at 1.355 i'm getting idle volts in cpuz of 1.0007 and load volts at 1.368.when vcore is set in bios to normal or auto it sets it to 1.370.but in bios i can't set the normal volts myself.all i can do is set an offset which i don't know what to set
absolutely ridiculous this.this bloody chip will boot with multi set at44 and vcore set manually at 1.355 but when i set it to normal in bios it shows volts under normal of 1.370.i've set the offset at 0.010 and gone up 0.010 each time .i got up to 0.090 and it still won't boot ,surely thats giving vcore of 1.46?
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