Help with photography locations around Tayside, Scotland

15 May 2007
Ipswich / Bodham
I travel to Dundee fairly regularly with work, but never leave the city. I’ve got the opportunity to add a long weekend on to my next visit next month, and thought I’d get out and do some photograph (yes, seriously, in December in Scotland!).

The trouble is, I just don’t know the area well enough to know where to go and shoot in the limited daylight that I’ll have. I’ve ridden my motorbike through the Cairngorms a couple of times, but that hasn’t provided any inspiration. I’ll have Friday, Saturday and half of Sunday and am willing to travel around and stay in different locations if that helps.

Looking for ideas / inspiration!
First up I'd say you can get some decent shots from across the bridge looking towards Dundee itself, including the new V&A. We had a talk a few years back from a guy called Shabaz who is based in Dundee and his website has a few local areas listed along with other stuff. Vantage point in Dundee would be the Dundee Law, but doesn't appear to be too inspirational!

A little further north I would suggest heading up Loch Lee direction. I cycle occasionally up this way and there's a few points of interest and the scenery is lovely There's a car park at Loch Lee which could be used as a base if necessary.

Going south a bit I do like rural Perthshire for landscapes to rival the Highlands but unfortunately can't recommend anything offhand, maybe around the Crieff area?

I'll see if anything else springs to mind.
Thanks for that, very useful. I’ve climbed Dundee Law before, and you’re right, it isn’t too inspirational up there. I think I’ve also done the V&A and Tay bridge to death too, but the other ideas sound great, thank you.
Make sure you're up at dawn to catch the sunrise over the sea.

If you're willing to travel for an hour the harbour at Stonehaven can be very pretty, especially if you have the sun shining on the cliffs. Crathes Castle is very picturesque. There's Dunnotar castle as well. Of course, up here you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a castle.

Was there a few weeks ago and it was very autumnal although the weather was cack when I was there but decided to make the most of it.

Gorgeous pictures.
The Tay valley is gorgeous, especially early on a cold morning when you'll get mist. Following that up the A9 to Pitlochry, where you can try to shoot salmon ascending the ladders. Head over to Edradour - the smallest legal whisky distillery - which is about a mile outside Pitlochry.

You could go to Perth, then North towards Braemar. There will be snow up in the Glens and the sheer size of some of the landscapes is amazing.

Not going inland, there are loads of coastal villages north of you, and south of you in Fife. St Andrews > Crail > Anstruther > Pittenweem will be a nice day trip for you, and you can get ace fish & chips in Anstruther.
Grab your gear and join for the weekend then!

Might take you up on that offer! Not used the camera in a couple of months now since stopping the football. Trying to fall in love with photography again so it might help!

Following on from my other post, also in Glen Esk is the Queens Well Monument. although looking at the map its a bit of a trek to get there on top of what you'd already be doing to get there in the first place :( Been years since i was last there so forgot how far you have to go to get there!
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