Help with Printing Company

Man of Honour
1 Nov 2007
Christchurch UK
Hi all

Some noob questions here after a disaster. As I test print I used a company in Germany to produce a print backed onto aluminum sheet for hanging on a quadcopter generated panorama.

Here is a small version of the photo...


I was naive enough to think it would look nice and bright like on my screen... but no, was unusable. Gloss looks awful also

Here is how it looks... looks worse in person


So the question is, how can I ensure that prints will look like photo. The website in question has ICC? profiles I can download. I assume I would use these in photoshop along with running a monitor cal ?

help :)
Thanks, yeah I will deffo look at monitor calibration. I'm guessing the profiles are needed also ?, they have a different download for each type of print.

They also had a checkbox to 'auto optmise' brightness and contrast but I left that unchecked
Thanks, I guess a better photo to start with would have been a good start. Photo in question was with a thunder storm overhead so lighting was awful, and the poor gopro didn't stand a chance.
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