Help with Ryzen 3900x memory (I am very confused)

6 Mar 2009
Flintshire North Wales

Possibly I am not reading things correctly but I am very confused with memory for a new build.

I am looking into upgrading to a 3900x from a I7 6700k. My old CPU and board will go into my sons machine, so it is not being wasted. I currently have some corsair low profile 3000mhz ram in the build but will be looking to move this into my sons build also. My use for the machine is editing in premier and after effects, Photoshop & gaming at 4k.

I am looking to upgrade to 32gb ram and from what I have seen 3600mhz is best but then I am unsure on timmings and also do I get 4x 8gb or 2x 16gb?

Also I am looking at getting RGB sticks (i like them) which would be best for me to get?

Thanks for any help
I, personally, like the Patriot Viper Steel Series. I'd suggest 4 x 8GB would be your best bet.

The 4000 series you can down clock. If you get an IF (Infinity Fabric - essentially the FCLK) of 1900 then you run the memory at 3800 and then tighten the timings (using the Ryzen Memory Calculator helps with this).

Essentially you want to keep 'double' the IF. So if you have an IF of 1800 (which I believe is the default) then you should be running the memory at 3600.

Not sure if that helps as I'm pretty new to the Ryzens but it isn't a massive issue as I have mine at IF 1900 Memory at 3800 and it all seems lightning quick.

Thanks for the reply

So would running 4 sticks make it quad channel, as I believe ryzen doesn't work with quad channel (might be wrong here).

Also this is what is confusing me. Differn't reports seem to say that using 4 sticks means you might not be able to run the ram at full speed? Again is this right?
Ryzen don't allow quad channel.
Running 4 sticks, instead of 2, usually not an issue, as far as the kit is compatible.
Ryzen 3000 series is much less fussy about RAM than the 1000 series.
The vantage going for 2 sticks, instead of 4, would be allow to future upgrade, but as you're going with 32GB, I don't see the need, at least for the time being, for any more than that.
3600Mhz is the sweet spot. 3200Mhz isn't far behind.
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