Help with seo

19 May 2004
I've tried doing a Google adwords and fb campaign but not getting the traffic I want for conversions and tbh it is quite expensive. The one benefit Google adwords has given me is which keywords gain the most impressions. So is it still possible to get to the top of Google concentrating on a single keyword for each product page?

Any feedback on the site would be great. I don't have a lot of products because they're handmade by me and don't know if that's the problem?
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19 May 2004
I've dropped the price quite a lot to try and boost sales for Christmas so paid ads aren't really feasible as I just end up paying for clicks that don't lead to conversions as a lot of people view them as too expensive. My paid ad for keyword maple chopping board was served 715 times with just 9 clicks, I'm on page 3 for that
19 May 2004
Don't forget SEO is only part of it; what are visitors going to do when they do actually click through (and potentially cost you money in the process)?

There's nothing particularly 'wrong' with your website but equally it does look like a basic blog template, quick to setup, and doesn't provide much confidence that you're a genuine, trustable seller, imo.

Combined with errors tied to more traditional SEO like no page title makes it look like an errornous or Chinese duplicate website or something.

A friend has just set up this little business: Although not massively different (which is good for you!) there's still a massive improvement. This is where content comes in. Assuming you make all these boards then where are the photos of you, and you at work? This all adds to the reassurance as well as justification of the price tag.

If you were selling something cheaper that would be ok to an extent but the current website doesn't match the products, which is very high end; you're the same price as one of John Lewis's most expensive chopping boards.

Thanks for the input, i did have photos of me working on the homepage but maybe an error on my part was they were not in the slider, my bounce rate for not going any further than the homepage was very high and my thinking for this was anyone viewing from a mobile would not be having a good experience so i removed them and that improved the bounce rate. I did do a 'how i make my chopping boards' photographed step by step.

I have targeted foodies on fb ads but maybe i need to do more social networking. is it considered a bad backlink if i post on food pages on fb with any offers i have?
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