Help with some HTML Image Links and WP

20 Sep 2003
Wondering if anyone can help me out with a problem I am having trying to link images in my wordpress page. I have the 3 images on a page all linking to their own larger image, setup the links in the wp-admin but when I preview the page it only seems to have linked 2 of them.

See the code below. I am also trying to sort the url out and get rid of the /sample page/, this was the first page I edited and being the original sample page it has kept this in the slug url and wont let me change it.

<p style="text-align: left;"><img class="alignright wp-image-2557 size-medium" src="" alt="angel association angel investor" width="300" height="134" /><a href=""><img class="alignright wp-image-1815 size-thumbnail" src="" alt="Nelson Gray International Expertise Business Angel Press Jordan" width="150" height="150" /></a>Nelson has provided advice to Angel investors, government and entrepreneurs in many countries across Europe and globally [COLOR="Yellow"]*[/COLOR](including the USA, Chile, India, Australia, Kazakhstan and New Zealand). [COLOR="Yellow"]*[/COLOR]He has helped build Angel investment groups and networks in Scotland, Latvia, Jordan, Russia and the West Indies and mentored companies with operations in many international locations including Hong Kong, Dubai, Estonia, and the USA.</p>
A former Vice President of <a title="European Trade Association for Business Angels" href="" target="_blank">EBAN</a>, the European Trade Association for Business Angels he was their Business Angel of the Year in 2008. Currently[COLOR="Yellow"]*[/COLOR]he is also:
	<li>A non-executive Director of <a title="Linc Scotland" href="" target="_blank">LINC</a>[COLOR="Yellow"]*[/COLOR]Scotland, the Scottish Angel Capital Association - an independent not-for-profit intermediary to promote Business Angel Investing. As Special Projects Director he acts as mentor to new groups and develops tools and procedures to further best practice in Angel investing;</li>
	<li>Trustee of the <a title="Angel Resource Institute" href="" target="_blank">Angel Resource Institute</a>[COLOR="Yellow"]*[/COLOR](ARI) a charitable organization devoted to providing education and information on best practices in the field of angel investing. Formed in 2006 as part of the evolution of efforts to encourage and support angel investing by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.</li>
	<li>A Director of <a title="ESEP Ltd" href="" target="_blank">ESEP Ltd</a>[COLOR="Yellow"]*[/COLOR]a UK-based specialist manager of European Union regional development funding programmes, which presently has 37 key experts deployed in-country, operating projects in counties such as Kosovo, Croatia, Macedonia and Turkey;</li>
	<li>A[COLOR="Yellow"]*[/COLOR]member of the advisory panel to the Welsh Government for the establishment of a Development Bank for Wales;</li>
	<li>An adviser to the British Governments $160 million <a href="" target="_blank">Angel Co-investment fund</a>;</li>
	<li>Tasked by the World Bank[COLOR="Yellow"]*[/COLOR]infoDev to develop Angel investing across the Caribbean region.</li>
<p style="text-align: center;">[COLOR="Yellow"]*[/COLOR]<a href=""><img class="alignleft wp-image-2060 size-medium" src="" alt="Nelson Gray International Experience Business Angel Training Spanish" width="300" height="199" /><img class="alignright wp-image-1816 size-medium" src="" alt="Nelson Gray International Expertise Business Angel Training Russian" width="300" height="232" /></a></p>



Much appreciated!
Yeah I manually edited the HTML and fixed the links that way but it seems when inserting images via the wp backend and adding links the links carry on to the next image. Another example of this can be found here:

I would ideally like non HTML tech users to be able to create pages with content and links without having to manually edit the HTML, any idea why this is happening?

Yes done by adding media via the Add Media button then selecting the image and clicking edit, allows you set the link to be custom or direct to the media file. When selecting media file it doesn't seem to link to each individual image, rather links to the same link for each image.
Im using the latest WP v4.1 and Simple Lightbox plugin, when I try and add images and then link to the "Media File" it seems to use the same link for each image. Going to manually edit the HTML for now.
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