Help with SQL DB losing data issues....

16 Nov 2002
The Moon
Hi all, I don't really know much about SQL but at work we have a SQL server set up which hosts 2 of our databases along with some Sharepoint stuff, nothing major.

Recently users have been reporting a few issues with the databases in that A) when they put data in it isn't saving it sometimes (some users have noticed this when going back to data they input a few weeks back and its missing) B) some users have said it is kicking them out whilst they are in the software.

I know these issues are pretty vague and I haven't actually seen it happen first hand so it could still be user error (however we did ask staff to check data they had input straight after and a couple had noticed it gone missing, but again I can't rule out user error until I've seen it) but is there anything I can check on our SQL server to make sure its running correctly?!

Sorry i'm a bit of a SQL dunce!
What application is writing into the SQL server? That could be the source of the issues, especially if it's crashing / generating errors on users.
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