Help with starting a bukkit server!

4 Jun 2010
the instructions are:
1) Download CraftBukkit's latest recommended build.
2) Put the .jar in a folder, for this example we'll use a generic one: ~/minecraft
3) Move to the above directory with 'cd ~/minecraft'
4) Paste this into the shell:

I got as far as 2 :D, but i cannot understand how to move to "cd-/minecraft" and also how i paste into a shell?

please enlighten me on this as this is my first real time of using linux for a game server!

The command "cd ~/minecraft" will take you into that directory. So just type it as-is (without the quotes) and you will be there. Your new location should be indicated by your prompt.

To paste something into the shell you can't use the ubiquitous ctrl-v. Instead you need to use shift-insert.

Edit: You should be aware that in Linux the tilde ~ means /home/<user>. So if your username is freddie, ~ means /home/freddie. Therefore, in this instance, ~/minecraft actually means /home/freddie/minecraft.
the ~ symbol, simply represents the current users home directory i.e.

"cd ~"

is the same as "cd /home/Freddie589/" (or whatever. :)
Edit: You should be aware that in Linux the tilde ~ means /home/<user>. So if your username is freddie, ~ means /home/freddie. Therefore, in this instance, ~/minecraft actually means /home/freddie/minecraft.

not exactly
the home directory doesn't have to be named the same as the user name, and it doesn't have to be in /home either

if your root, and u do cd ~. it goes to /root, not /home/root

~ simply means the home directory, as defined in /etc/passwd

cd ~user also works, and takes you to the home directory of <user>
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