Help with wireless connectivity

8 Jun 2004

I'm using a Linksys WAG54GX2 which is wire to my main PC and I'm trying to get my wifes laptop connected.

So far the laptop can see and is connected to the wireless network. However, when I try to open up MS explorer it is trying to do so through here works Ipassconnect software.

I'm not sure how to get round this so I created another connection for explorer:

>Tool>Internet Options>Connections>Add>Connect to the internet via broadband.

I then enter my ISP username and password.
I then go into >Properties>Networking> and on Internet Protocol TCP/IP > Properties and I then enter the DNS server address as I see it on my Linksys set up.

As you can tell its all a bit of trial and error trying to get it to work.

Any ideas how to get this to work?

Thanks for any help

PS Another thought - when I add an internet connection should I be using the VPN option?
open up internet explorer instead? or download firefox i reckon either of those will bypass the ipass software (not really sure what that is.. i guess its some sort of software for connecting via the work?)
Thanks for the help.

i found out the problem by luck really.

I went into Admin Tools>Component Sevices and found that the Wireless Zero Configuration does not automatically start up on boot. Strange as it's set to start automatically.

Got internet access now:)

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